Healthy Navajo K'é
Healthy Navajo K'é
Pregnancy and Birth Stories Series Part 6a
Yá’át’ééh! We are happy to announce the sixth release of our birthing series featuring our special guest, Karla Peaches. Ms. Peaches is a Diné woman, mother, doula, and peer lactation counselor. She tells all about the challeges she faced with being diagnosed with PCOS and navigating the health system to get the best care, the last days with her grandmother, and grief. Her story will be released in 3 parts: preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum.
We appreciate Karla for sharing her experiences with us. The purpose of this series is to provide a space for birthing familes to share thier experineces to help other birthing families become more informed about the ways pregnancy and birthing can happen.
Disclaimer: We’d like to let our audience know that these birthing stories include real people with real stories and may include topics on traumatic pregnancy and birthing experiences leading to loss of life, miscarriage, depression, suicide, and grief. If you are listening, please take breaks as needed.
Check out our social media pages!
Facebook: @Navajo Maternal and Child Health Project at Diné College
Instagram: @navajomch
Please email us if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions: navajomchproject@dinecollege.edu
This podcast was sponsored by the Arizona Department of Health Services through federal funding from the Health Resources & Services Administration, with support from the Navajo Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH) Partnership between Diné College and Northern Arizona University through federal funding from the National Institute of Health’s National Institute of General Medical Sciences, award number S06GM142121. The views expressed are the sole responsibility of the program staff and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Arizona Department of Health Services or the United States Government.